Friday, February 22, 2013

Delhi Police Recruitment of Constable

Government Jobs in Delhi Police Recruitment of Constable (Executive)/ (Dog Handler) Notification Online Application Form Download 2013
LinksManagement affiliate program Applications from Indian nationals are invited to fill up the following vacancies to the posts of Constable (Executive)-Male and Constable (Dog Handler)-Male in Delhi Police in the pay scale of Rs 5200-20200 in Pay Band 1 with Grade Pay of Rs 2000 & other allowances as admissible:

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1. Constable (Executive)-Male: 523posts
2. Constable (Dog Handler)-Male: 43posts
10+2 (senior secondary) pass from a recognized Board OR 11th Pass
Fee: A Demand/Bank Draft/Banker's cheque of Rs.100/- shall be attached as fee in favour of DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi (payable at Delhi) which should be valid for 3 months. SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from fee
How to Apply:
Candidates should apply online and the Applicants are required to send the print out of filled in application form on A4 size paper alongwith the fee and write on the top of the envelop “Application for the post of Constable (Exe.)-Male in Delhi Police-2013” or “Application for the post of Constable (Dog Handler)-Male in Delhi Police-2013” and send to the post Box No.8020, Delhi-110033
Offline: The complete application in the prescribe format along with all relevant documents and Demand Draft send to the Post Box No.8020, Delhi-110033, and write on the top of the envelop “Application for the post of Constable(Exe.)-Male in Delhi Police-2013” or “Application for the post of Constable (Dog Handler)-Male in Delhi Police-2013”
Last date: 28.02.2013

For more details Click here

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