Indian Ordance Factory, Khamaria invited application for filling up 691 Group C Industrial Establishment posts. Interested eligible candidates can apply online through Ordnance Factory Khamaria website within 21 days of publication of the advertisement in employment news (i.e. till 8 March 2013 as advertisement was published in employment news on 9 February 2013.)
Important Dates:
Last Date to apply online: 08 March 2013
Vacancy Details
Total Vacancies: 691 posts
Age Limit
Minimum: 18 years
Maximum: 32 years
(Upper age limit relax able by 3 years for OBC candidates and by 5 years for SC / ST candidates)
Educational Qualification
i. Matriculation or its equivalent.
ii. National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) / National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT in relevant trades
NOTE: If required numbers of candidates with NAC/NTC in relevant trade are not available in a particular trade then applicants with ITI or equivalent qualification will be considered against vacancy of the trade.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800
Application Fee: Non-refundable application Fee of Rs 50 has to be through Demand Draft only drawn in favour of "The Sr. General Manager, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur-482 005" (Payable at Jabalpur).
SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of fee.
Selection Procedure: Selection process will comprise of Written Test (100 marks) and Trade Test practical.
The Written Test shall be objective type and OMR based.
Candidates short-listed on the basis their performance in written exam will be called for Practical / Trade Test and verification of certificates / documents in the ratio of 1.25 times of the number of vacancies. Practical / Trade Test will be purely of qualifying nature.
The selection will be made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written examination subject to getting qualified in the practical examination.
Those who are found eligible on the basis of online application and scrutiny thereof will be issued online admit card for written exam, 15 days prior to the date of examination.
The syllabus for written test for a trade will be broadly as that of the NCTVT syllabus for that trade. The syllabus for Trade Test (Practical) will be as per Trade Test specification of the semi-skilled grade of the relevant trade.
Only selected candidates will be informed of their selection in due course after the selection process is over and no correspondence on the subject would be entertained.
Travel Allowance: Candidates appearing in written test will come at their own expense. However, outstation SC / ST candidates will be paid II Class railway fare or Bus fare chargeable by the shortest route from Railway Station / Bus Stand nearest to their normal place of residence or from which they actually performed journey, whichever is nearer to the place of examination and back to the station, provided that the fare of the first 30 km in both cases ( i.e. rail or road), is borne by the candidates.
TA form is available in the website. Candidates should take its print out, fill it and submit it along with bus / train ticket on the day of the exam.
Posting: Selected candidates would be placed at Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur (M.P.) but services are liable to be transferred to any Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factory in India.
How to Apply: Interested eligible candidates can apply online through the website. Candidates should visit the online application page available on the website, click on Post applied for, fill all other details including valid mobile no, email id and other phone number and submit the application.
On successful submission, an application form with a unique registration number and other details of the applicant will appear on the screen.
Candidates’ should take its print out and send it along with copies of required documents and payment slip (Demand Draft) to “POST BOX NO. 12006 Cossipore Post Office, Kolkata – 700002” by ordinary post only so as to reach there within 7 days after closing date of online application.
For complete notification, click
Important Dates:
Last Date to apply online: 08 March 2013
Vacancy Details
Total Vacancies: 691 posts
Sl. No
Post Code
Name of Post
No of Post
Relevant Trade
Danger Building Worker
250 posts
| Trade Attendant Operator Chemical Plant, Instrument Mechanic Chemical Plant, Mechanical Maintenance Chemical Plant, Laboratory Assistance Chemical Plant, Fitter Gen., Machinist, Turner, Sheet Metal Worker, Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Boiler Attendant. Mechanic Industrial Electronics and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic |
Fitter Gen
72 posts
| Fitter, Millwright |
Fitter Auto
15 posts
| Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) & (Diesel) |
Fitter Boiler
15 posts
| Boiler Attendant, Millwright |
Fitter Electric
15 posts
| Electronic Mechanic, Electrician |
Fitter Pipe
15 posts
| Plumber, Fitter Pipe |
Fitter Electronics
15 posts
| Electronic Mechanic, Mechanic Industrial Electronics, Fitter Electronic & Fitter Instruments |
Fitter Refrigeration
15 posts
| Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic |
Fitter Instruments
15 posts
| Instruments Mechanic, Advance Mechanic Instruments, Instruments Mechanic (Chemical Plant) |
100 posts
| Machinist |
50 posts
| Machinist, Fitter Gen, Turner, Fitter, Fitter Electronic and Millwright |
32 posts
| Grinder, Machinist (Grinder) |
23 posts
| Mason, Building construction |
23 posts
| Carpenter |
20 posts
| Turner |
16 posts
| Electroplater |
Minimum: 18 years
Maximum: 32 years
(Upper age limit relax able by 3 years for OBC candidates and by 5 years for SC / ST candidates)
Educational Qualification
i. Matriculation or its equivalent.
ii. National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) / National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT in relevant trades
NOTE: If required numbers of candidates with NAC/NTC in relevant trade are not available in a particular trade then applicants with ITI or equivalent qualification will be considered against vacancy of the trade.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800
Application Fee: Non-refundable application Fee of Rs 50 has to be through Demand Draft only drawn in favour of "The Sr. General Manager, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur-482 005" (Payable at Jabalpur).
SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of fee.
Selection Procedure: Selection process will comprise of Written Test (100 marks) and Trade Test practical.
The Written Test shall be objective type and OMR based.
Candidates short-listed on the basis their performance in written exam will be called for Practical / Trade Test and verification of certificates / documents in the ratio of 1.25 times of the number of vacancies. Practical / Trade Test will be purely of qualifying nature.
The selection will be made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written examination subject to getting qualified in the practical examination.
Those who are found eligible on the basis of online application and scrutiny thereof will be issued online admit card for written exam, 15 days prior to the date of examination.
The syllabus for written test for a trade will be broadly as that of the NCTVT syllabus for that trade. The syllabus for Trade Test (Practical) will be as per Trade Test specification of the semi-skilled grade of the relevant trade.
Only selected candidates will be informed of their selection in due course after the selection process is over and no correspondence on the subject would be entertained.
Travel Allowance: Candidates appearing in written test will come at their own expense. However, outstation SC / ST candidates will be paid II Class railway fare or Bus fare chargeable by the shortest route from Railway Station / Bus Stand nearest to their normal place of residence or from which they actually performed journey, whichever is nearer to the place of examination and back to the station, provided that the fare of the first 30 km in both cases ( i.e. rail or road), is borne by the candidates.
TA form is available in the website. Candidates should take its print out, fill it and submit it along with bus / train ticket on the day of the exam.
Posting: Selected candidates would be placed at Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur (M.P.) but services are liable to be transferred to any Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factory in India.
How to Apply: Interested eligible candidates can apply online through the website. Candidates should visit the online application page available on the website, click on Post applied for, fill all other details including valid mobile no, email id and other phone number and submit the application.
On successful submission, an application form with a unique registration number and other details of the applicant will appear on the screen.
Candidates’ should take its print out and send it along with copies of required documents and payment slip (Demand Draft) to “POST BOX NO. 12006 Cossipore Post Office, Kolkata – 700002” by ordinary post only so as to reach there within 7 days after closing date of online application.
For complete notification, click
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